
New Members Class

Because we believe that a person’s life should be transformed once saved, we maintain that the new member be discipled immediately. New Members Classes are held 9am on Saturday Morning, 9:30am Sunday Mornings and 7pm on Tuesday evenings. The NMC will study from Master Life, which is a 26 week course consisting of 4 series sessions.

Contact: Sister Brenda Tancemore ~ 215-727-2663

Spiritual Gifts Class

No one is allowed to serve in Ezekiel without first going through the first phase of discipleship and spiritual gift class.  The basis for this is that Ezekiel wants the new member to comprehend our mission of evangelism, discipleship, and transformation prior to serving. Spiritual Gift classes are held every quarter on Saturday; 8:30-4pm, the class will study from The Network.

Contact:  Sister Tujuana Dillard ~ 215-554-1328

What happens after classes are taken

Once the new member has gone through their discipleship training the member is expected to serve our Lord faithfully until death and financially support Ezekiel.